TOM Wilson

Director, People X Systems

My roles have always gone beyond the traditional boundaries of operations. I've been a leader in various disciplines – HR, Finance, Sales, Marketing, Technology, Production Technology and more. Solving complex problems and driving change in each, I became a highly competent fixer. A solver of problems. This cross-functional experience gave me the ability to identify unseen opportunities. I find connections or gaps across orgainisations that leaders with experience in a single function or vertical cannot.

Beyond the business benefits, the leaders I work alongside acquire a partner, a collaborator, an equal. In some cases, this is the first time since they started their business they have had someone to bounce off.

Leadership can be a lonely place.

Sharing the weight of responsibility can be transformative for a leader. Having someone with whom to share the heavy load impacts their organisation’s success, thier workload and free time. Most importantly a partnership protects mental health and risk of burnout.

I am committed to transforming your business landscape. Partnering with me unlocks a spectrum of benefits: heightened efficiency, creation of high-performing teams and significant reductions in operational costs. An enhanced business valuation. A culture where productivity thrives, leadership is future-focused and talent retention is strong. My approach ensures data-driven decision-making, increased customer satisfaction resulting in a resilient, adaptable organisational structure. An organisation equipped to deal with market volatility and swift, agile response to change.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”, one of my favourite quotes and something I am passionate about. A powerful and empowering culture is the foundation for aligning interdisciplinary functions. A strong culture focuses on the key drivers of optimisation – the PEOPLE and the SYSTEMS

The core of my methodology is a commitment to creating high-performing people, leaders and teams that have clarity of role and a sense of purpose. I provide the support they need to succeed.

“Life and work are most often like a game where no one has told you the rules, and the rules may change without notice. In a world like that, generalists prevail.”